Wednesday, December 15, 2010

iPhone 5: 20 most-wanted features

DesignedbyItem's concept design for a future iPhone.
The day the iPhone 3GS launched, I wrote a column entitled "364 days and counting to iPhone 4G."
Well, to keep the tradition rolling, I was all set to write "364 days and counting until the iPhone 5," but at the last minute I decided against it. Instead, I thought it would be more useful to put together a list of all the things I'd like to see in the fifth-generation iPhone, which should be unveiled a year from now.
Some of you will undoubtedly say, "Wow, David, the iPhone 4 has barely been released and you're already talking about No. 5." My answer: Why not? For a guy like me, who already owns an iPhone 3GS and won't be buying the iPhone 4 (as great as it may be, it's missing some features I want), I've already moved on and I'm looking ahead.
The end result of my iPhone 5 fantasies is a list of 20 items ordered from least to most important in a reverse countdown. I've also included what we think are the odds of Apple actually implementing each request. As always, feel free to agree or disagree with me and make your own suggestions (and to post your own ordered wish list). I will update the list after the comments start rolling--so get your two cents in. Perhaps Apple's listening.

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